Golf operations are a group of employees in a company that provides specific services for golfers. A golf operation includes three major components: facilities, food and beverage, and a golf shop. In addition, there is administration personnel who handle scheduling, accounts receivable/payable, reservations, and more.
The benefits of golf operations
The benefits of golf operations are the same as those of any other kind of business. First, there are economies of scale. Golf operations tend to be large businesses able to spread the costs of facilities and equipment over many rounds played by a large number of customers. Second, organizations that control their courses can merchandise those courses as tightly as they want. For example, consider that some public courses have restrictions on carts on certain holes or for certain times of the day.
The idea behind such limitations is that it will save wear and tear on the course and let more people play it. But if one charge $100 for 18 holes on their course, one doesn’t want to let people play for $20 and then not let them use a cart. A big part of what you’re selling is convenience: convenient hours and convenient transportation and convenient tee times, and so forth. So one sells more money’s worth of merchandise by restricting their competitors’ options without charging more money. The third benefit is that there are economies of scope. You can offer many different kinds of entertainment in one place, which gives customers more options without increasing their travel time.
Golf operations have enormous potential.
Golf Operations is a great industry with tremendous growth potential. It is also a very complex industry that has many segments and countless niches. It is hard to get a handle on whether you’re in the right business or what opportunities exist for one in this business.
Golf operations is an umbrella term that includes: golf course management, golf course architecture and design, golf club manufacturing and sales, golf course equipment sales and service, golf cart sales and service, golf instruction and professional services, golf apparel and footwear sales, and manufacture, golf magazine publishing, golf video production, golf website operations, and content development, travel arrangements for golf vacations and tours, etc.
There are many ways to break this industry down into segments: property development vs. property management; 18-hole courses vs. 9-hole courses; public vs. private; resort hotels versus municipal (government-owned) courses; etc. The opportunities in this complex industry are endless: Many people want to start their businesses in the Golf Operations industry, but they don’t know where to start or what opportunities exist that might be suitable for them.