The soft tissues of the body are moved during massage. Commonly used massage tools include hands, fingers, elbows, knees, forearms, feet, and devices. Generally speaking, massage therapy in Portland, OR are used to cure physical tension or pain. A professionally educated massage therapist is known as a masseur (for men) or masseuse in European nations (female).
Deep tissue, manual lymphatic drainage, medical, sports, structural integration, Swedish, Thai, and trigger point massage are just a few of the many distinct techniques used in the massage industry.
Major Types of Massage:
- Swedish Massage
Swedish massage therapy is the most popular kind of massage. It works the highest layers of muscles with gentle, lengthy kneading strokes as well as light, rhythmic tapping strokes. Additionally, joint mobility is integrated with this. Swedish therapy can be calming and uplifting by releasing muscle tension. And after an accident, it might even be beneficial.
There are four standard Swedish massage strokes:
- Using a gentle, gliding motion, effleurage can relax soft tissue.
- When squeezing, rolling, or kneading is used after effleurage, it is called petrissage.
- Deep, circular motions known as friction cause layers of tissue to rub against one another, increasing blood flow and reducing scar tissue
- Short, alternating taps made with cupped palms, fingers or the edge of the hand are known as tapotements.
- Sports Massage
Sports massage, which was created to assist with the muscle systems utilized for a certain sport, employs a number of strategies to aid players in their training—before, during, or after sporting events. You could utilise it to encourage flexibility and aid in injury avoidance. It might also help with muscle strains and speed up recovery from sports injuries
- Pregnancy Massage
The changes in your body during pregnancy are significant.
Reducing stress, lowering arm and leg swelling, and soothing muscle and joint discomfort are all benefits of pregnancy massage that can aid with these changes.
When there may be fewer options for medication and other medical care, massage may be especially beneficial. The massage therapist will assist you in finding a suitable position for this kind of massage using cushions that are specifically made for massage therapy in Portland, OR.