Clinical Pilates is a restoration form of treatment which focuses on the normal movement of the body, by targeting a specific area to correct the postures or to promote healing and to enhance the function of the body. If you are suffering from constant back pain or neck pain then clinical Pilates will be best solution which doesn’t cause any side effects. This exercise will ease spinal mobility which will decrease the stiffness of the muscles and hence it results in pain reduction.
Clinical Pilates used by:
Mostly used by athletes for fast recovery from their injury and it helps in their performance and reduces the chances of further injury. Highly helpful in the pre and post pregnancy, during pregnancy women’s undergo many changes in hormone levels which affects posture and also results in musculoskeletal pain, to prevent or to overcome this you can practice few exercises which helps in strengthening the lower abdominals and enhances the repositioning of the abdominals. Majority of the pain is caused due to the poor posture, by doing regular classes with the help of the physio you can improve your posture and get rid of the unwanted pain, which will automatically strengthen yourself. I came across one of the best clinical pilates Singapore is Breather’s Clinical Pilates, they provide safe and effective exercises, according to the individual needs their specification and for wide range of injuries and conditions. If muscles aren’t working properly or because of heavy pain due to stiffness they provide core strengthening to your muscles to bring them back to track.